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Functionality of template

Below is a detailed list of functionalities and their locations within source code (so you can modify them if you wish with ease):

Automated dependency updates

These are carried out by renovatebot/renovate at least once a day.

Each time a new version of any dependency of your project is released, a pull request will be created and merged automatically (after all the tests turn green).

You can find our settings in renovate.json and adjust them to your liking.

Automated labeling

Every file/folder provided by our templates has an associated github label, so you always know what kind of file was change by the PR (see here for an example list of GitHub labels).

After a pull request is open, GitHub Actions Bot tags it with appropriate label for easier change discovery.

Workflow carrying out these actions is located in .github/workflows/labeler.yml and labels are specified in .github/labeler.yml.

Please note labels are automatically cloned from our templates after you click Use this template.

Semantic Pull Requests/commits

Semantic versioning/releases are possible via Conventional Commits.

Our pipelines verify every commit in pull request and its' title adhere to this simple standard:

fix|feat[!]: <change description>

which are tailored to:

  • PATCH - e.g. fix: remove typo
  • MINOR - e.g. feat: add new security pipeline
  • MAJOR - e.g. fix!: remove predict_proba method

If you are not sure what this means, you can read more about semver here.


We don't use scopes (and advise you not to), as this type of information is handled automatically by the labeling system

Aforementioned checks are carried out by .github/workflows/pr-linter.yml and .github/workflows/commit-linter.yml .

Unified editor settings

Tabs or spaces? .editorconfig is a well-respected standard ending this debate, so developers can focus on actual coding instead with repository-wide defaults.

See EditorConfig for more information and integrations with specific editors/IDEs.

Linting YAML files

YAML might be written in a plethora of ways, hence enforcing one standard will improve readability across the codebase.

Our settings of choice can be found in .yamllint.yml, but feel free to adjust them to your liking!

If any .yml (or .yaml) file is changed by pull request, the following workflow .github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml is run which lints your code.

Linting Markdown files

Helpful during documentation creation (like this one!), workflow responsible for it can be seen in .github/workflows/markdown-linter.yml .


Specifying your coding standards and how to contribute is a welcoming way to encourage others to participate in your project.

We provide and so you don't have to. :)


We provide various security functionalities, including, but not limited to Supply Chain Attacks protection

It is provided by stepsecurity/harder-runner open source projects for every action in the repository, for example:

- name: Harden Runner
  uses: step-security/harden-runner@dd2c410b088af7c0dc8046f3ac9a8f4148492a95 # tag=v1.4.5
    egress-policy: block
    allowed-endpoints: >

will block any outgoing connections from the workflow if the endpoints differ from the two specified.

Please note we are pinning actions by hashes of commits, which is another security measure